Instant collaboration
for remote teams

Connect, chat, and collab with your remote team all in one place.

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Your hub for teamwork

Project discussions, important documents, free food announcements: they all live tidily together in Team. With your team and information in one easily searchable place, collaborating online is as easy as collaborating in person.

Simple Task Management

Task management with Team is as simple as it gets. No complicated layouts or need for user training. Your team members will intuitively know how to navigate the platform. It’s so simple, you can’t mess it up!

Scheduling that actually works

Integrate Team schedules with your favorite calendar apps, be it Google Calendar or Outlook.

Each team member works with their favorite calendar while all meeting dates sync with the master calendar.

What people say about Team

Proin hendrerit ac nisl aliquet fringilla. Cras efficitur nisi eu blandit tincidunt. Mauris orci justo, fringilla eu tincidunt eu, tempus id mauris.

Alex Whitlock
COO at Hasbro

Donec pretium fringilla elit, vitae ornare lacus aliquam nec. Aenean vulputate vel ligula nec rhoncus. convallis eleifend neque non sodales. Vestibulum convallis eleifend neque non sodales.

Marcy Adams
CEO at Mattel

Vestibulum convallis eleifend neque non sodales. Integer ornare, risus quis scelerisque fermentum.

Jeremy Scott
Marketing Director at  AT&T

Mauris orci justo, fringilla eu tincidunt eu, tempus id mauris. Aenean vulputate vel ligula nec rhoncus. convallis eleifend neque non sodales.

Alex Whitlock
COO at Hasbro

Proin hendrerit ac nisl aliquet fringilla. Cras efficitur nisi eu blandit tincidunt. Mauris orci justo, fringilla eu tincidunt eu, tempus id mauris.

Alex Whitlock
COO at Hasbro